14th Sep 2017: C12 data is available
The C12 data from K2 is now available for download.
26th Aug 2017: C11 data is available
Data from campaign 11 of the K2 mission is now available in KASOC and C12 and C13 will follow very soon. Please note that C11, like C10, was divided into two sub-campaigns designated as C11.1 and C11.2. Please consult the data release notes for details.
3rd Jan 2017: K2 campaign 10 data available
Data from campaign 10 of K2 has been made available on KASOC. The data release notes have not yet been made available, but we will provide it as soon as it is available.
Please note that there are a few unique features in the C10 data:
- The first six days of data, dubbed C10.1, were collected with a pointing error of 3.3 pixels from the nominal field-of-view, so they were only processed through CAL to make "Type 1" target pixel files. Among other things, this means that there are no light-curves produced by the K2 Science Office.
- The remainder of the campaign, dubbed C10.2, was processed through the entire photometry pipeline, creating "Type 2" target pixel files and long-cadence light curves.
- Module 4 was lost part way through C10.2, which powered off the photometer and produced a 14-day data gap.